Multinationals on GBA | Johnson Controls has a significant...

For the Greater Bay Area, Anuruddha Rathninde expressed that they have been operating in Hong Kong for many years as well as in Macao. He stressed that they have a signific...

"The Greater Bay Area has almost a unique economy in the world which has a combination of incredible entrepreneurship and centers of production." David Blair, CCG Vice Pres...

8月20日,艾伯维(ABBV.US)和Genmab(GMAB.US)共同宣布,欧盟委员会已经批准Tepkinly(epcoritamab)扩展适应症,用于治疗复发或难治性(R/R)滤泡性淋巴瘤(FL)成人患者,这些患者先前接受过2线以上的系统性疗法。新闻稿表示,Tepkinly是欧盟批准用于治疗R/R FL和R/R弥漫性大B细...

IB(Introducing Broker)在期货市场中的角色与功能 在期货市场中,IB(Introducing Broker)是一个重要的中介角色,它为期货经纪商(Futures Commission Merchant, FCM)和投资者之间搭建了一座桥梁。IB的主要职责是吸引和维护客户,向他们介绍期货交易的机会,并协助他们进行...

Intel的10nm工艺现在改名叫Intel 7了,原7nm改名叫Intel 4,后续工艺节点分别叫做Intel 3、Intel 20A、Intel 18A,这是Intel未来5年内的半导体制造工艺节点新规划,Intel还宣布2025年要重现昔日荣光(technology leadership by 2025,主要是从每瓦性能的角度)。

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